Surface Restoration Specialists
Nano-Clear® South Island specialises in rejuvenation and repainting of damaged, faded and oxidised surfaces including window joinery, garage doors, roofing, fences, louvres, gates, vehicles, boats, industrial equipment & more in both residential and commercial settings throughout the South Island. Our regional applicators also understand paint systems to be able to apply the appropriate system to your metal surfaces, as part of the Nano-Clear® system, to look good for up to 15 years.
Nano-Clear® is the premium choice for equipment manufacturers / distributors around the world for the protection of industrial equipment including wheel loaders, excavators, trucks, forklifts, vessels, coastal/marine assets and other heavy machinery regularly exposed to salt, fertaliser and other chemicals.
Nano-Clear® WARRANTY
We have confidence that Nano-Clear® will perform in the NZ environment, as demonstrated by our warranty to you:
Schedule QUOTE
All quotes are free of charge & we may even be able to quote standard items (e.g. garage doors) over email or phone:
Unmatched Technical Abilities
Extreme UV protection > 90% gloss retention over 10 years
Superior corrosion resistance > 4000hr salt spray
Hydrophobic (reduced dust, dirt & ice buildup)
Extend repaint cycle by 2-3X
Nano-Clear® is a unique coating developed in the USA utilising three dimensional (3D) nano-structured polymers. The functional groups of any coating form a network during curing of the coating. In most traditional polymers, the network is a linear chain of molecules with low crosslink density.
Nano-Clear® is "nano-structured" to have a 3D molecular architecture. The 3D polymer network has an exponentially higher number of cross linked sites, resulting in a tightly knit mesh with unprecedented crosslink density.
High crosslink density provides highly functional surface properties including unmatched corrosion resistance, scratch resistance, chemical resistance and UV durability. It also means low surface energy, repelling water (hydrophobic) and aiding in release of ice, dirt, cement dust etc.
We will only work with the best materials available and provide a warranty on our work. We strive for honest customer service, so contracts are only paid in full when the finished work is to your complete satisfaction.
About Us
Nano-Clear South Island is a family owned business based in the South Island of New Zealand. Due to the depleted ozone layer in southern hemisphere and our coastal conditions, corrosion costs New Zealand billions of dollars every year in leaky buildings and dysfunctional equipment - not to mention unsightly fading and oxidisation. We set out to change this by reducing corrosion, equipment downtime and cleaning while helping get your most important assets looking newer for longer - protected from elements they are subjected to.